Page 69 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 69

(Pusat  Teknologi  Komunikasi  Departemen  Pendidikan  dan          Kebudayaan-
           Pustekkom  Dikbud) , as  at  that  time  UT  had  not  have  its  own  studio  to  produce

           television  programs.  In  1986,  UT  set  up  a  small  studio  with  equipment  such  as
           cameras  and  editing  tools  donated  by  the  Japanese  government.  Since  that time,

           UT  has  produced  its own  television  programs.
                In  accordance  with  the  development  of  UT,  the  quality  of  non-printed

           learning  material  also improved. After two  years  of preparation , in  1994  a special
           studio  to  developed  and  produced  non-printed  learning  materials  was  built.  This

           building  is  called  Pusat  Produksi  Multi  Media  (Multi  Media  Producation  Center) ,
           with  2  television  studios  measuring  12  x  18  m completed  with  adequate  control

           rooms .
                From  1984  to  1992,  UT  was  broadcasting  its  television  programs  through

           national  TV  (TVRI)  once  a week.  In  1992, UT  also  had  a chance  to  broadcast  its
           lecture  programs  through  Televisi  Pendidikan  Indonesia  (TPI)  station  4  times  a
           month.  But  since  February  1998  TPI  has  declined  to  broadcast  UT  lectures  to

           none  at  all.  It  caused  major  concern  as  TPI ,  by  definition,  should  have

           broadcasted  more  education  programs. Apparently, more  commercialized  popular
           programs were  dominated  their TV  programs .
                On  October  1997,  the  Department  of  Education  and  Culture  (DEPDIKBUD)

           was  offered  to  use  Cakrawarta  satellite  owned  by  lndovision  to  broadcast

           education  programs.  This  channel  was  specially  planned  to  broadcast  education
           programs ,  including  UT.  The  offered  was  enthusiastically  welcomed  by  UT,  and
           since  1998  UT  has  started  to  schedule  its  educational  program  to  be  broadcast

           through  this  channel.  But  it  could  not  be  implemented  as  planned  due  to  some

           constraints ,  and  it  appears  that  this  channel  was  no  longer  used  for  education,
           although  UT  still  had  time  allocation.  In  2000,  there  was  privatization  in  this
           company,  and  it  was  called  Quick  Channel  or  Q-Channel.  From  2000  until  now,

           UT  televised  program  on  Q-Channel  is  allocated  one  hour  a  day.  On  the  other

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