Page 72 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 72

of programs  to  be  produced  was  large and  the  capacity  of  UT  studio  was  limited,
             the  development  and  production  of  those  materials  were  assisted  by  Pustekkom

             and  BPMR  Semarang  and  BPMR  Yogyakarta.  Up  to  now, UT  had  produced  around
             200  programs  each  year,  and  those  programs  had  been  broadcast  through  local

             radio  stations  in  each  region.  So  far,  UT  has  produced  around  3,474  radio

             Audio-graphic  Prog ram

                  Another  audio  media  developed  by  UT  was  audio  graphic  program.  This
             program  integrated  audio  and  graphics  (text  and  picture) .  This  program  was

             initiated  in  1991  with  the  concept  that  audio  program  could  help  explain  text and
             pictures  in  printed  materials. The  presenters  were  lecturers  (mostly  from  outside

             UT)  who  were  accustomed  to  explain  concepts  in  class  room.  One  course  could
             have  4  to  6  audio  graphic  cassettes.  These  programs  were  offered  to  students
             who  needed  them. Considering  the  low  students'  attention  of  these  programs, the

             further  production  was  ended  only  two  years  after  introduced. But  in  1995, there

             was  an  emerging  need  for  audio  graphic  programs  as  the  content  of  printed
             materials  should  be  further  explained  with  the  support  of audio, especially  those
             with  formula ,  graphics ,  pictures  and  charts.  Therefore ,  voices  of  tutors  were

             added  through  audio  cassettes  complemented  the  text  materials.  Texts  and

             pictures  were  placed  at the  back  part of modules,  on  separate  booklets, or  on  the
             cover of the  cassettes. Audio-graphic programs  were  also  used  as  supplementary
             to  multi-media  learning  materials.  Thus  far,  there  had  been  12  courses  which

             supported  by  audio  graphic programs .

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