Page 75 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 75

Based  on  UT  Strategic  Plan  2005-2010,  at  least  25%  of  courses  offered
           should  be  in  the  form  of  multi-media  packages.  From  2001  to  2006,  UT  had

           managed  to  produce  247  multi-media  course  packages.  Multi-media  package
           consists  of  printed  course  materials  (BMP)  and  non-printed  course  materials,

           such  as  audio  programs,  audio  graphics,  videos,  computer-assisted  learning
           materials,  and  interactive  videos. All  of  these  non-printed  materials  are  develop

           as  enrichment  to  the  existing  printed  course  materials,  except  for  certain
           subjects,  such  as  languages or music  courses  which  use  non-printed  materials as

           part  and  obligatory  of  the  learning  materials.  For  this  purpose,  non-printed
           materials were  integrated  into  printed course  materials.

           Quality Assurance  of Course  Materials

                Since  course  materials  are  very  essential  in  distance  education ,  UT  has
           made  some  effort  to  improve  not  only  the  physical  presentation  but  also  their

           content  of  course  materials.  Since  2001,  UT  has  declared  a  policy  that  printed
           course  materials  should  be  revised  after seven  years  of uses. As  course  material

           revision  takes  about  1 to  2 years , a revision  can  begin  when  the  materials  are  5
           years  in  use.  Therefore,  in  the  7th  year's course  materials  are  revised  and  ready

           to  be  used  further.
                Another  effort  made  by  UT  to  ensure  the  quality  of learning  materials  is  by

           applying  a system  of  quality  assurance.  In  2001 ,  some  standardized  procedures
           were  developed  with  regard  to  course  material  development.  The  purpose  of  the

           standard  was  to  guarantee  that  the  process  and  product  meet  the  agreed  quality.
           In  order  to  meet  the  assurance  quality  of  management  process  of  course

           development,  UT  has  made  some  efforts  to  get  international  recognition.  One  of
           them  is  through  ISO.  In  2006,  UT  was  ready  to  get  ISO  in  the  development  of

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