Page 79 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 79

support  given  through  various  media  such  as  radio,  television,  telephone,
           internet  or  correspondence .  Face-to-face  tutorials  in  distance  education  system

           are  different  from  face-to-face  lecturing.   The  aim  of  tutorials  is  to  assist
           students  and  to  give  feedback  in  their  process  of  mastering  important  concepts

           of  a  particular  learning  material ,  not  as  a  main  source  of  learning  such  as  in

           The  Development of Face-to-face  Tutorials

                At the  beginning  of the  UT  establishment is  1984, face-to-face  tutorial  mode

           had  been  offered  to  the  students. At  that  time , tutorials  were  attended  by  about
           80%  of  the  students,  but  at  the  end  of  second  year,  it  appeared  that  the

           attendance  was  diminished  to  25% on  average  (Setijadi,  1982). This  information
           was  based  on  some  reports  on  tutorial  activities  at  the  Regional  Offices  which

           concluded  that  students  were  lacking  motivation  to  attend  the  tutorials .  in  the
           beginning ,  there  were  quite  a  number  of  students  who  attended  tutorials.
           However,  in  the  following  tutorial  sessions,  their  attendance  rates  decreased.

           This  continually  happened  until  1998,  so  that  some  Regional  Offices  actually

           stopped  performed  face-to-face  tutorials since  1993.
                Realizing  the  importance  of  tutorial  in  supporting  students  learning,  UT
           tried  to  reorganize  its  tutorials.  The  policy  of  rerunning  tutorials  in  all  Regional

           Offices  was  applied  in  1999  by  giving  incentive  as  much  as  2 million  rupiah  per

           tutorial  package  to  the  Regional  Offices  conducting  tutorials.  The  Regional
           Offices  were  liberated  to  determine  the  tutorial  mode .  In  order  to  receive  the
           incentives,  a  proposal  had  to  be  submitted  to  the  Vice  Rector  for  Academic

           Affairs ,  and  then  it  was  reviewed  by  Vice  Rector  for  the  Student  Affairs.  The

           review  was  considered  in  the  decision  of  eligible  Regional  Offices  that  were
           received  tutorial  incentives  (Wardani, 2003).

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