Page 81 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 81

To  strengthen  the  tutorial  service  system , UT  developed  a special  design of
           face-to-face  tutorial  which  was  literally  called  specially  designed  face-to-face
           tutorials  (so-called  TTRMK).  This  kind  of  tutorials  had  certain  and  special

           characteristics  which  were  different from  the  previous  face-to-face  tutorials.  The

           characteristics were  as  follows .
           a.  Face-to-face tutorials were  carried  out 8 sessions per semester.
           b.  During  8 sessions, students  were  given  3 tasks  which  occurred  in  the  session

              3, 5 and  7.  Each  task was  done  in  class  and  scored  by  the  tutor.

           c.  The  task  scores  (along  with  attendance  scores)  contributed  30% to  the  final
              score . The  attendance  score  included  the  number  of attendance  and  students
              active  role  in  class .

           d.  Tutor came  from  local  state  universities, minimally  having  undergraduate  (S 1)

              degree,  and  accredited  as  UT  tutor  either  through  UT  Accredited  Tutor
              Program  (so-called  PATUT) ,  Program  of  Increasing  Basic  Technique
              Instructions  (so-called  Pekerti) ,  Applied  Approach  (AA),  or  core/local  tutor


           e.  Tutorials  were  carried  out  at  UT  headquarter and  the  Regional  Offices  cities.
              Exceptions  were  made  for  the  cooperation  programs  with  particular
              requirements. The  cost  of  TTRMK  consisted  of  the  cost  of  learning  materials

              and  the  tutorial fee  which  were  paid  by  students.
                The  organizers  of  TTRMK  at  UT  headquarters  were  Faculties  and  in

           Regions  were  Regional  Offices.  Therefore,  the  management  of  TTRMK  from  the
           planning ,  recruitment  of  tutors  and  students,  the  process  of  tutorials,  to  the

           assessment,  were  Faculties  and  Regional  Offices'  responsibilities.  In  order  to
           make  all  relevant  parties  have  the  same  perception  of  TTRMK  (especially  the

           Faculties  and  Regional  Offices),  guidelines  for  organizing  TTRMK  were  made.
           These  guidelines  were  continually  revised  in  accordance  with  the  coming

          feedback.  To  socialize  this  mode  of  tutorial ,  various  things  were  done,  from

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