Page 80 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 80

In  1993  there  were  13  Regional  Offices  receiving  incentives  to  conduct
             tutorials,  while  in  2000 , the  number  was  increased  up  to  18  Regional  Offices  (of

             which  12  of them  ran  face-to-face  tutorials,  2 of them  ran  written  tutorials, and  4
             of  them  ran  tutorials  by  radio).  In  semester  2001.1  the  number  of  Regional

             Offices  that  ran  face-to-face  tutorials  increased  up  to  21  Regional  Offices  with
             the  tutorial  incentives as  much  as  2 to  4 million  rupiahs.

                   From  the  experience  of  encouraging  tutorials  at  the  Regional  Offices  from
              1999-2000,  it  was  apparent  that  face-to-face  tutorials  were  the  most  favored  by

             students.  This  was  reflected  from  the  number  of  Regional  Offices  conducting
             face-to-face  tutorials  compared  to  the  other  mode. Students  learning  habit  which

             relies  more  on  face-to-face  interaction  and  communication  might  be  one  of  the
             reasons  why  face-to-face  tutorials  are  the  most  favored  one.  (Wardani,2003).  In

             addition ,  in  face-to-face  tutorials  students  interacted  directly  with  the  tutor  and
             their  peers,  they  were  able  to  express  their  opinion  directly,  immediately

             received  feedback,  and  were  able  to  socialize  with  other  students,  staff  or
             managers  of  education.  Face-to-face  tutorials  were  carried  out  4  to  8  times.

             Every  session  took  2  hours.  The  general  activities  consisted  of  explanation  of
             learning  materials ,  discussion,  exercises  or  other  activity  needed  by  the

                   The  tutorial  incentives  given  to  the  Regional  Offices  which  were  basically

             aimed  at  encouraging  them  to  provide  tutorial  services  proved  to  work  although
             in  a  small  scale.  Based  on  this  success ,  UT  executive  managers  decided  that

             Regional  Offices  were  ready  to  provide  tutorials  without  being  funded  by  UT
             headquarters.  Therefore,  beginning  from  semester  2001 .2,  the  incentives  had

             been  stopped .  Students  were  charged  for  the  tutorial  services  and  Regional
             Offices  managed  them.  This  was  done  to  empower  them  in  giving  the  learning

             support services to  the  students.

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