Page 78 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 78

support  should  be  provided  since  there  are  various  types  of  student's

             characteristics  in  terms  of  age,  educational  level ,  study  habit,  study  skills,  or
             their readiness  and  ability to  study on  their own .

             Therefore,  learning  support  services  should  be  provided ,  even  if  there  is  small
             number of students actually utilize it.

                   In  general , learning  support  services  are  any  form  of services  given  to  the
             students  in  order  to  make  their  learning  process  happen  as  expected  from

             enrollment  process,  learning  process ,  examination ,  and  getting  the  result.  In
             particular,  learning  support  services  are  the  services  given  by  the  educational
             institution  to  students  in  studying  their  course  materials  or  when  the  learning

             process  actually takes  place  (Belawati , 2000) . This  can  be  in  the  form  of tutorial.

             In  distance  education , tutorial can  be  done  either face-to-face  or at  a distance  by
             means  of various  media.

                   Face-to-face  tutorials  are  learning  support  conducted  by  face-to-face
             meeting  between  tutors  and  students.  Meanwhile,  distance  tutorials  are  learning

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