Page 73 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 73

Computer-assisted  Learning  Program

                Along  with  the  rapid  advancement  of technology, UT  had  made  some  efforts
           to  use  it to  produce  learning  materials.  From  1992-1996, when  Prof.  B. Suprapto

           was  the  Rector  of  UT, a new  media  was  introduced, that  was  Computer-Assisted
           Learning  (CAL) .  During  this  period ,  some  teams  were  formed  to  develop  CAL

           programs.  These  were  computer-based  with  texts  and  animation  programs.
           Besides  explaining  some  concepts, these  programs  were  also  provided  students

           with  exercises  and  feedback.  The  main  purpose  was  to  make  students  learn
           interactively  with  CAL  materials.  Each  development  team  developed  the  CAL,

           began  from  scripts  writing  in  to  designing  the  actual  program .  UT  has  been
           producing  about  75  programs  upload  on  UT  website , in  which  26  of them  were  to

           supplement the  multi-media  learning  package. These  programs  are  also  available
           for  public who  access  to  the  internet.

           Internet-based  Learning  Materials

           (Web  supplement)

                One  type  of  computer  related  learn ing  materials  developed  by  UT  is

           supplementary  material  which  can  be  accessed  through  internet.  The  basic

           concept  for  the  web-based  supplement  is  to  provide  students  with  current
           progress  in  the  subject  matter  area  which haven't  accommodated  in  the  printed
           course  materials  because  genera lly  it is  only  be  revised  after  seven  years . Apart

           from  keeping  abreast  of  new  development  in  subject  area,  web  supplement  is

           also  used  to  enrich  the  existing  course  materials.  With  many  advantages  of
           internet  network  connections,  students  could  be  guided  to  access  other  related
           sites  relevant  to  their learning. The  development of web  supplement was  initiated

           in  2002 , and  thus  far  there  have  been  120  courses  which  are  supplemented  with
          web  supplement.

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