Page 82 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 82

letters  to  the  Regional  Offices  and  the  Deans ,  posters ,  announcement  on  the
             radio,  sending  leaflets  to  students  along  with  their  examination  results .  Beside

             that,  information  on  TTRMK  was  also  socialized  in  the  New  Students  Study

             Orientation  at  the  beginning  of  the  first  year  and  it  was  also  publicized  in  all
             student  activities  such  as  general  lecture,  socialization  of  student  creativity
             program , or holidays.

                   At  the  beginning, this  kind  of  publicity  was  insufficient to  motivate  students

             to  attend  TTRMK. The  number  of  students  who  registered  to  attend  TTRMK  was
             small .  However,  some  Regional  Offices  and  Faculties  remained  conducting  this
             tutorial  despite  its  small  attendance . In  semester  2001 .2, only  2 Faculties  and  7

             Regional  Offices  conducted  TTRMK.  Further  on ,  more  and  more  Faculties  and

             Regional  Offices  were  conducted  TTRMK  and  more  the  number  of  courses  were
             offered .  As  a  result  there  were  more  students  who  attended  tutorials  (see
             Table I).

                  From  semester  2003 .2,  TTRMK  was  offered  not  only  for  regular  program ,
             but  also  for  S1  program  for  elementary  school  teachers.  Even  the  elementary

             school  teachers  program  required  students  to  attend  TTRMK  for  3  courses .  In
             addition,  the  TTRMK  was  conducted  at  the  study  group  districts  located  outside

             the  Regional  Offices  across  the  country. This  was  possible  because  all  students
             were  joining  well-organized  study  groups.  Therefore,  the  management  of  the

             tutorials  was  carried  out  by  the  Head  of  District  Office  of  National  Education ,
             while  academic  and  quality control was  still held  by  of the  Regional  Offices

                  Meanwhile, from  semester  2005 .1,  the  diploma  Dll  program  for  elementary
             school  teachers  also  required  students  to  attend  TTRMK  for  3  courses.  The

             tutors  were  recruited  from  high  school  teache'rs  qualified  as  tutors and  those  who
             had  attended  tutor  training  program.  Similar  to  the  S1  program  the  tutorials  for

             this  Dll  program  were  done  in  study  groups  located  in  districts. The  management
             was  also  done  by  the  Head  of Sub-district  Office  of National  Education,  and  the

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