Page 63 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 63

During  the  period  of  1984-1987, the  format  of  UT  printed  course  materials
           consisted  of  several  components  which  were:  Introduction,  General  Instructional
           Objectives  (GIO),  Specific  Instructional  Objectives  (SIO) ,  Learning  Activity

           (including  explanation  and  examples,  exercise,  guideline  for  doing  exercise,
           summary,  formative  tests,  feedback  and  follow-up ,  keys  to  formative  tests,  and

           reference.  Those  components  are  to  be  found  in  every  course  material.  In  this
           period , one  course  book  (BMPs)  was  divided  into  two  parts. For  example,  course

           book  for  2  credit  unit  courses  consist  of  Book  one  which  covered  module  1  to
           module  3  and  Book  two  which  covered  module  4  to  module  6.  Since  1988,  UT

           course  material  used  the  same  format , but  all  modules  were  printed  in  one  book.
           In  1997,  there  was  a  little  change  in  the  format,  in  which  the  overview  of  the

           subject  was  presented  at  the  beginning.  In  addition,  GIO  and  SIO  were
           incorporated  in  the  introduction  part  of  every  module,  no  longer  separated  from

           the  introduction  part.

                                                        Since  2001,  some  course  materials
                                                   began  to  contain  instructional  analysis

                                                   (lA)  of  the  subject  presented  at  the
                    BUKU MATER! POKOK
                  STATISTIKA PENGAWASAN            beginning  of  the  materials.  This  lA  was
                    STAT4215/3SKS/MOOUL 6  · 9
                                                   to  give  students  a  whole  picture  about
                                                   the  competencies  which  they  were  going

                                                   to  obtained  after  learning  the  module.
                                                   Subsequently,    in   2003,    a    new

                                                   component  was  added  which  was  Self-
                                                   Assignment  (Tug as  Mandiri- TM) .  UT

                                                   decided  that  TMs  were  integrated  in
                                                   course  materials.  TM  is  a  task  to  be

                                                   completed  by  student  independently,
           C o ver during  1984- 1987  period

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