Page 60 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 60

During  the  preparation  of  UT  establishment  in  1983/1984,  the  Preparation
             Committee  was  only  having  about  10  months  time  before  the  launching  of  UT

             study  programs .  Among  many  things  that  the  committee  had  to  prepare  were

             course  materials  to  be  used.  By  taking  into  account  the  distribution  of  students,
             accessibility,  flexibility ,  and  some  economic  considerations,  as  well  as  limited
             time  for  preparation ,  printed  course  materials  were  considered  the  most

             appropriate  materials to  be  developed . Other media  to  support  the  printed  course

             materials were  developed  in  the  following  years.

             Printed  Materials

                  Most  distance  education  institutions  in  many  countries  use  printed  course
             materials  as  the  main  media  of  delivering  learning  to  its  students.  Even  in

             institutions  claimed  mainly  use  non-printed  media ,  the  percentage  of  printed
             media  used  is  still  high.  UT  is  categorized  as  a printed-based  distance  teaching

             university, as  it  mainly  uses  printed  course  material  in  its  delivery.  The  decision
             to  use  printed  media  at  distance  education  institutions  is  generally  based  on

             cost,  accessibility,  and  flexibility.  This  consideration  does  not  only  apply  to
             developing  countries,  but  also  to  developed  countries  as  well. In  the  course  of 22

             years,  there  has  been  improvement  in  the  development  of  UT  printed  course
             materials , called  Module  or  Main  Textbook  (Buku  Materi Pokok-BMP),  in  terms  of

             format, content,  and  cover.

             Development of Printed  Course  Materials

                  Since  the  beginning,  UT  has  been  used  writer-editor  team  approach  in
             developing  course  materials.  This  approach  involves  two  professions  which  are
             writer  and  editor.  Writer  is  the  one  who  has  expertise  in  content  or  subject

             matter, and  editor  has  skills  in  wrapping  up  the  content  in  a certain  format which

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