Page 54 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 54

FKIP  tried  to  make  new  clustering  based  on  the  contribution  of  courses  to  the
             core  competence  achievement.  This  effort  created  new  clustering  prevailed  in

             2006  with  the  distribution  of  new  credit  unit  as  shown  in  the  Table  11  in  the

             Attachment.  Beside  the  distribution  of credit  unit  load , there  are  the  distribution
             of credit unit loads that combine  course  cluster and  course  status.
                   From  the  above  explanation  and  tables ,  it  can  be  concluded  that  the

             curriculum  of UT  was  developed  along  with  the  changes  of regulation  as  well  as

             changes  of stakeholders  needs.  The  curriculum  for each  study  program  at  UT  has
             been  well  documented  so  that  it is  hoped  that  it will  serve  as  the  main  guidelines
             for managing  a study program.

             Course  Development

                   Courses  are  often  considered  as  the  'flesh  content'  of a study  program . In  a

             study  program , students  basically  only  concerned  with  courses .  Questions  often
             arise  related  to  courses  were:  how  many  courses  they  have  to  take , what  ability

             is  developed  by  each  course ,  how  much  are  credit  unit  loads  for  each  course ,
             and  how  they  will  be  measured  in  each  course.  From  the  above  questions  it  can

             be  said  that  courses  are  very  important  in  a  study  program.  Because  there  is
             different  intended  achievement  for  each  study  program ,  so  that  there  are

             different courses  as  well.
                   From  the  above  explanation , it  can  be  said  that  each  study  program  will  be

             supported  by  some  courses .  The  number  of  courses  in  each  study  program
             depends  on  some  factors  su,ch  as  levels  of program, goals  of  the  programs, and

             the  credit units for each  course. The  number of courses  in  diploma  study program
             is  different  from  those  of  undergraduate  programs .  As  a  whole,  the  number  of

             courses  offered  by  a  university  is  closely  related  to  the  number  of  study

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