Page 50 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 50

clustered  in  to  4-8  years,  9-12  years,  and  more  than  12  years.  Therefore  study

              load  was  decreased  in  accordance with  number of years  of teaching  experiences.
                   The  curriculum  in  this  period  did  not  change  much  except  that  there  were

              more  elective  courses.  Study  load  for  each  program  also  varied  greatly  which
              ranged  from  144  to  160  credit  units.  In  this  period,  curriculum  approach  at  the

              national  level was  about introducing  the  concept of core  curriculum . It began  with
              the  development  of basic  abilities  followed  by  add ition  of essential  topics  which

              supported  those  abilities.  For  this  reason ,  the  curriculum  consisted  of  the  core
              and  the  locally  added  curriculum.  However,  that  national  approach  had  not  yet

              influenced  UT  curriculum.

              1995-2000 period
                   In  this  period  the  essential  change  of  curriculum  was  done  such  as

              increasing  the  passing  grade  for  the  diploma  program  from  the  GPA  of  1.75  to
              2.00.  This  decision  was  made  in  line  with  the  Directorate  of  Higher  Education

              Decree.  The  other  important  change  was  the  application  of  the  core  curriculum
              approach.  There  was  also  curriculum  revision  for  the  diploma  Dll  Teacher

              Training  Program  which  had  the  largest  number  of  students.  This  final  revision
              version  was  called  1996  curriculum.  At  the  same  time,  the  pre-service  teacher

              training  program  also  revised  their  curriculum  from  the  1990  version  to  the  1995
              version .

                   In  the  first  registration  period  of 2000 , UT  established  a new  curriculum  for
              regular  programs  which  is  called  version  2000  curriculum .  For  the  batch  of

              students  who  registered  in  1999  and  before,  there  were  major  changes  for  they
              should  follow  the  new  curriculum.  In  order  to  help  their  credit  earnings,  the

              courses  they  passed  before  the  year of 2000  could  be  transferred  and  accredited
              into  the  new  curriculum .  Whenever  there  were  no  equivalent  courses,  the  credit

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