Page 48 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 48

guidelines  for  learning  activities  in  order  to  achieve  certain  educational  goals

              (article  1,  item  no.19).  This  is  the  definition used  in  the  article.
                   For  an  education  institution,  curriculum  is  a  main  source  for  determining

              goals  and  directions  of  a  study  program .  Apart  from  various  definition  of
              curriculum,  each  educational  program  will  always  begin  with  curriculum

              development  because  it  is  curriculum  that  will  guide  how  to  run  the  program .  No
              matter  how  simple  the  curriculum  is,  it  would  be  properly  documented  by  a well

              managed  study program.
                   Considering  the  role  of  curriculum  in  educational  program ,  it  is
              understandable  that  curriculum  will  always  develop  in  alignment  with  the

              development in  society. Ideally, every five  year curriculum  should  be  reassessed.

              When  there  is  basic  change  in  the  social  needs  which  has  not  been
              accommodated  in  the  curriculum,  the  curriculum  should  be  revised  and  updated.
              In  relation  to  that,  UT, which  has  been  operated  in  about  22  years,  had  revised

              its  curriculum  several  times.  The  following  explains  the  characteristics  of  the

              curriculum  in  each  period .

              1984-1990 period

                   This  period  can  be  said  as  the  early  period  as  UT  was  just established  on

              September 4 h,  1984. With  short  preparations  before  the  official  opening  of UT, it
              can  be  imagined  that  the  curriculum  was  not  well  designed .  Due  to  the
              unavailable  complete  documents,  some  aspects  related  to  the  curriculum  can

              only  be  traced  back from  the  catalogue  and  student's guide  book. The  curriculum

              consisted  of course  content  for  each  study  lined  up  as  credit  units  per  semester.
              Undergraduate  (S1)  programs  consist  of  144-160  credit  units.  Diploma  (Dill)
              programs  consist  of  110-120  credit  units,  Diploma  (DII)  programs  consist  of  80-

              90  credit  units,  Diploma  (DI)  consist  of  40-60  credit  units,  and  Teaching

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