Page 43 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 43

Faculty  of Teacher Training  (FKIP)
                The  fast  development  of study  programs  occurs  in  this  faculty  because  of
          its  responsibility  to  provide  in-service  teacher  training.  Started  with  four

          undergraduate  (S1)  education  programs  and  some  diploma  (Dill)  education

          programs,  this  faculty  is  assigned  to  develop  teaching  certificate  programs,  such
          as  teaching  certificate  program  for  lecturers,  then  for  teachers.  The  additional
          courses  which  lead  to  certificate  accomplishment  are  incorporated  into  the  level

          of  education.  For  example,  if  a  student  graduates  from  undergraduate  (S1)

          Education,  she/he  will  get  Teaching  Certificate  IV,  if  a  student  graduates  from
          diploma  (Dill) Education,  she/he will get Teaching  Certificate  Ill, etc.

          Learning materials of FKIP

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