Page 47 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 47

2.  Department of Communication  which  consists  of two  study programs:
              •   S 1 Communication  study

              •   Dill Library
          3.  Department of Sociology which  consists  of one  study program :

              •   S1  Sociology of Economy  and  Social  Issues
          4.  Department of Language  and  Literature  which  consists of one  study program:

              •   Dill Translation

                In  2003,  there  was  a  significant  development  at  FISIP  marked  by  the

          opening  of Advanced  Courses  Program  (ACP)  in  Public Administration, which  was
          the  embryo  of  Master  degree  program  of  Public  Adm inistration  which  was

          officially  granted  by  the  Directorate  General  of  Higher  Education  in  2004 .  In
          detail, the  development of study  programs  at  FISIP  can  be  seen  in  Table  4 in  the

                From  the  above  descriptions  and  tables,  we  can  conclude  that  the

          developments  of  study  programs  were  not  similar  for  each  facu lty.  In  certain
          period ,  there  was  several  study  programs  opened  and  closed .  In  2002  to  2004

          there  were  13  study  programs  from  three  faculties  which  were  closed : 5 in  FISIP ,
          7  in  FKIP  and  1  in  FEKON.  Those  mark  the  major  changes  of  programs  at  UT

          (Universitas Terbuka , 2005) .

          The  Developm e nt  of Curriculum

               Curriculum  can  be  defined  in  various  ways, such  as  a list of courses  offered

          in  a study  program, a set  of  teach ing  materials, or  a set of learning  experiences
          which  will  be  received  by  students.  According  to  UU  Rl  No.  20/2003  about

          National  Education  System ,  curriculum  is  defined  as  'a  set  of  plans  and  rules
          about  goals,  contents,  learning  materials,  and  delivery  methods  which  used  as

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