Page 37 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 37

In  the  meantime,  that  limited  time  was  also  used  to  gain  support from  other
           universities  and  institutions  needed  in  the  operation  of UT.  By  the  request  of the

           Minister to  all  State  University  Rectors,  supports  were  gained  from  almost  all  of
           the  state  universities  to  open  Regional  Offices  in  every  province.  There  was

           cooperation  with  the  Computer  Center  of  Universitas  Indonesia  in  digital
           recording  of  students  registration  and  examination,  training  in  the  use  of  super

           mini  computer  and  the  use  of the  computers,  since  UT  could  not  afford  to  buy  its
           own  computer  for  data  processing  and  storage . There  was  also  cooperation  with

           PT Pos  dan  Giro, the  Post  Office, for students to  register and  pay  tuition fees, as
           well  as  for  course  material  distribution.  Later  on  there  was  also  agreement  with

           Bank  Rakyat  Indonesia  for  students  to  pay  tuition  fee.  With  TVRI , an  agreement
           was  also  made  to  broadcast  UT  courses  for  20  minutes  every  week.  With  RRI  a

           similar agreement was  also  made,  but with  more  broadcast time.
                 After all  efforts  in  building  support by  means  of cooperation  were  achieved,
           concentration  was  aimed  at  the  writing  and  publishing  of  learning  materials  at

           least  for  the  duration  of two  semesters.  At  that  time,  there  were  a lot  of famous

           experts  from  conventional  universities  who  were  able  to  write  UT  learning
           materials  (which  further  on  called  modules).  Those  writers  were  trained  as  DE
           course  writers  in  several  batches  by  Dr.  Atwi  Suparman  and  several  senior staffs

           of UT. This  writing  process  took  a lot  of time  and  energy  of  the  staffs.  After  the

           writing  was  finished , manuscript was  typed,  quickly reviewed , and  edited, so  that
           it  was  ready  to  be  published.  At  that  time  it  was  very  common  that  staffs  were
           working  overtime  till late  at  night to  be  able  to  meet the  deadline.

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