Page 34 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 34

Signing the promotio n  document
             of the firs t  Rector of UT

                   In  the  mind  of  the  politicians,  decision  makers,  President  and  the  Minister
             of  Education  and  Culture,  UT  was  expected  to  use  satellite  Palapa  (Television

             and  Radio)  for  delivering  the  courses.  After  seeing  the  United  Kingdom  Open
             University (UKOU)  in  Milton  Keynes , Great Britain,  operated, the  Minister thought

             that  Indonesia  was  not  able  to  carry  out  DE  like  in  UKOU ,  because  they  used
            ·sophisticated  and  expensive  technology  especially  television  technolo·gy  which

             was  used  in  UKOU  supported  by  British  Broadcasting  Corporation  (BBC) .  He
             had  another determination  that  UT  had  to  be  immediately opened, because  if not,

             there  were  too  many  students  within  the  college  age  group  that  would  be
             unemployed  and  not  be  accommodated  in  the  universities.  He  also  realized  that

             in  the  developing  country  like  Indonesia,  it  was  not  television  that  became  the
             main  medium  to  deliver the  courses, but  printed  course  materials, thus  television

             was  only used  as  supporting  media.

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