Page 11 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 11

planning,  human  resource  development, management  and  administration , student
           services,  program  design  and  development,  course  design  and  development,

           learning  support  services ,  assessment  of  student  learning,  and  media  for

                 As  the  result of quality assurance effort and  continual  improvement,  UT  was

           awarded  the  Quality  Certification  and  International  Accreditation  by  the
           International  Council  for  Open  and  Distance  Education  (ICDE)  Standards  Agency
           (I SA)  in  2005.  Then ,  in  2006 ,  UT  was  awarded  its  first  ISO  9001 :2000  for  the
           implementation  of  quality  management  system  in  the  area  of  the  distribution  of

           learning  materials.  In  2007,  12  certificates  ISO  9001 :2000  were  awarded  toUT,
           one  in  the  area  of development  of  learning  materials  and  examination  materials,

           and  distance  learning  services  of  11  Regional  Offices.  In  2008,  an  ISO
           9001 :2000  certificate  was  awarded  in  the  area  of  academic  administration
           services  in  UT  Head  Office, and  4 additional  Regional  Offices  were  also  awarded

           ISO  9001:2000  certificates.

                 This  book  is  expected  to  share  some  of  the  UT  experiences  in  managing
           distance  education  system  so  that  the  public  is  well  informed  and  has  deeper
           understanding  about  fundamental  principles  of  distance  learning,  its  strengths

           and  weaknesses.  I  wish  to  the  authors  for  their  seriousness  of  purpose  in
           contributing  to  the  publication  of  this  book  and  to  the  editorial  team .  Both

           authors  and  editors  have  worked  hard  to  construct and  document their knowledge
           in  the  field  of distance  education  has  enabled  this  book  to  be  easily  understood
           by  the  public.

                                                        Rector of Universitas Terbuka,

                                                                  M. Atwi Suparman

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