Page 7 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 7

there  have  been  so  many  important  ideas  have  been  shared  and  they  can  be
            used  as  a  source  of  inspiration  for  the  development  of  UT  - not  to  mention  the
            ideals and  expectations that motivate  us  to  move  ahead.

               With  the  absence  of  strong  leadership,  process  of  change  will  not  be  on  its

            right  track  and  may  be  counter-productive.  As  a  Rector,  Prof.  Dr.  M.  Atwi
            Suparman ,  MSc  has  taken  his  important  roles  as   designer,  steward,  and

            teacher.  Changes  in  UT  system  have  been  designed  and  planned  systematically,
            continually  and  comprehensively.  In  order  that  the  design  of  change  can  be
            implemented  appropriately,  Rector  has  been  intensely working  hand-in-hand  with

            colleagues  and  staff  to  ensure  that  all  necessary  requirements  to  support  the
            process  of change  can  be  fully  met.  His  role  as  a teacher has  been  demonstrated
            in  many  opportunities  by  coaching,  supervising  and  briefing  those  who  are  in

            charge  at  the  implementation  levels.

               The  process  of  change  moves  on  continuously  and  consistently.  As  a result,
            UT  has  been  awarded  by  ICDE  (International  Council  for  Open  and  Distance

            Education)  in  2005  the  Certificate  of Quality and  International  Accreditation.  This
            award  is  an  international  recognition  for  UT  as  shown  in  its  high  quality  of  its
            distance  education  practice  that  meets  internationally  acceptable  standards.
            Recognition  for  UT  successful  achievements  also  comes  from  the  ISO

           certification  agencies.  Until  2009,  UT  has  been  awarded  24  certificates  of  ISO
           9001:2000  in  distance  learning  services  of  its  24  Regional  Offices,  and  further  6

           certificates  of  ISO  9001:2000  in  various  areas  of  UT  core  business  processes  in
            Head  Office.  UT  has  an  outstanding  position  among  the  international  community
           of  distance  higher  education  institutions  in  Asia  and  in  the  world.  The  Rector  of

           UT,  Prof.  Dr.  M.  Atwi  Suparman,  MSc  is  the  President  of   AAOU  (Asian
           Association  of  Open  Universities)  2007  - 2011,  while  Vice  Rector  I,  Prof.  Tian
           Belawati,  PhD  is  the  Secretary  General  of  AAOU  for  the  same  period.  At  the

           world  level , the  Rector  of  UT  has  been  appointed  as  a  member  of  the  Board  of
           Trustees  of ICDE  for two  periods, i.e.  2007-2009  and  2009-2011 .

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