Page 5 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 5

Dedication to Rector
                                 Universitas Terbuka

               When  ideals  or  expectations  have  been  articulated, it must  be  adopted  as  the
           main  goal  and  direction  for  an  organization  to  move  into  the  future .  Without

           clearly  stated  goals ,  an  organization  will  move  through  vague  direction,  without
           measurable  indicators,  clear  destination  to  reach , nor  target  to  achieve.  UT  has
           articulated  these  ideas  since  1998,  and  systematic,  comprehensive  and

           integrated  effort of their implementation  has  been  accentuated  since  2001 .

               The  common  ideals  and  expectations  have  crystallized  as  UT's  vision ,  i.e.
           becoming  a  center  of  excellence  in  distance  higher  education  in  Asia  by  2010

           and  in  the  world  by  2020 .  Vision  is  a  far  away  goal  to  reach  with  strong
           determination,  common  sense  of  esprit  de  corps,  and  continuous  internalization
           among  people  within UT.

               In  is  not an  easy task  to  bring  vision  into  reality  for future  development of UT.
           Strong  leadership,  constant  commitment  of  all  UT  staff,  and  courage  in  taking
           responsibility  are  needed. With  the  principles  of good  and  corporate  governance

           and  total  quality  managements  as  foundation ,  all  UT  staff  shall  be  actively
           involved  and  encouraged  to  take  greater  roles  in  their  contributions  for  the
           advancement  of  UT.  Responsibility  shall  be  shared  by  all ,  so  that  every  single

           employee  will  make  necessary  effort  to  participate  in  every  part  of  the  wind  of
           change .  The  impact  would  be  extraordinary.  The  wave  of  change  will  keep

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