Page 14 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 14

Chapter  5  describes  presents  the  development  of  assessment  system  in
              UT, from  the  preparation  of test  materials , development  of item  banking  system ,

              administration  of  examination ,  and   processing  of  examination     results.
              Examination  is  the  final  stage  of  academic  quality  control,  which  involves  both
              Head  Office  and  Regional  Offices.

                     Chapter  6  discusses  development  in  the  utilization  of  information  and

             communication  technology  at  UT.  Since  it  was  founded  in  1984,  Universitas
              Terbuka  (UT)  has  developed  its  own  computerized  management  system ,  and  it
             has  been  continually  improved  to  respond  to  technolog ical  development and  to  fit

             the  specific  needs  of  a  distance  education  institution.  UT  has  developed  an
             integrated  IT  system, in  which  student  information  can  be  quickly  retrieved, e.g. ,

             the  student  grade  per  semester,  academic  progress ,  and  student  projection  and
             statistical  data  for  decision  makers'  necessities.  So  far,  UT  has  developed
             various  other fields  of computer-based  applications , and  these  applications  have
             been  developed  to  meet  the  needs  of  electronic  data  processing ,  facilitate

             learning  process  and  internal  communication  among  staff in  UT  Head  Office  and
             Regional  Offices.

                     Chapter 7 documents  the  development of  UT  library, from  conventional  to
             digital  library.  The  presence  of  a  library  as  a  learning  source  in  an  educational

             institution  is  a  must,  and  UT  library  has  been  established  since  as  long  as  the
             establishment  of  UT  as  a  distance  education  institution.  At  the  beginning ,  the

             library  was  a  part  of  Educational  Media  Production ,  Informatics,  and  Data
             Processing  Center.  In  1992, this  Center  was  then  developed  into  three  separate
             Centers ,  namely  Computer  Center,  Multi  Media  Production  Center,  and  Library.

             With  the  recent  change  into  UT  new  structure  in  2005 ,  the  name  of  UT  library
             was  changed  again  to  become  Library  Service  Center  (Pusat  Layanan  Pustaka) .
             UT  library  focuses  its  collection  on  subject  matter  to  develop  UT  learning

             materials and  to  enrich  distance education  literature.

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