Page 17 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 17

Chapter  12  discusses  development  of  students  and  alumni.  At  the
           beginning,  UT  attracted  many  high-school  graduates  who  could  not  be  accepted

          in  regular  state  higher  education  institutions.  The  number  of  UT  students  has
          fluctuated  and  grown  during the  first 22  years.

                  Chapter  13  gives  an  account  in  development  of  UT  Regional  Offices.  In
          general , Regional  Offices  share  similar  characteristics, despite  some  differences

          according  to  its  regional  contexts.
                  Chapter  14  addresses  future  challenges  of  UT  to  be  a  centre  of

          excellence  of  distance  higher  education  institution  in  the  world.  It  addresses
          effort  to  achieve  the  UT  vision  to  become  a  center  of  excellence  in  distance

          higher  education  in  the  world  in  2020.  Discussion  begins  with  the  explanation
          about  what  it means, why, and  how  UT  can  be  a world 's centre  of  excellence  in
          distance  higher  education.  It  then  follows  with  discussion  about  external
          conditions,  both  globally  and  nationally,  and  internal  conditions  that  should  be

          prepared  to  pave  the  way  for  putting  forth  UT  to  become  a world-class  distance
          higher  education  institution.  Current  and  future  trends  of  distance  higher

          education  will  be  explored  in  order  to  provide  the  context,  scope,  rational
          considerations  in  the  effort to  achieve  the  UT  vision  to  become  one  of the  world 's
          centers  of excellence  in  distance  higher  education . Further  discussion  will  focus

          on  the  prospects  of  global  roles  of  distance  higher  education  institutions,
          challenges  faced ,  and  actions  to  be  taken .  It  is  important  to  note  that  human
          resources  play  an  important role  in  realizing  the  UT  vision .


                                                       A.  Zuhairi
                                                       E. Nugraheni

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