Page 13 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 13

use  of distance  education  system  in  higher education,  in  which  some  institutions
           have  already had  the  experience.

                  Chapter  2  presents  the  development  of  academic  field  in  UT,  covering
           discussion  about  study  program ,  curriculum ,  and  courses .  It  can  be  said  that

           these  three  aspects  are  the  heart  of  educational  program  which  influence  the
           other  aspects.  Therefore,  by  paying  close  attention  to  these  three  aspects,
           readers  will  understand  the  development  of  other  aspects  of  UT  distance

           education  practice.
                  Chapter  3  discusses  the  development  of  learning  and  supplementary

           materials. As  a distance education  institution which  acknowledges the  importance
           of  media  as  the  "vehicle"  for  transferring  knowledge  from  teachers  to  learners ,

           UT  continues  to  develop  various  kinds  of  media  which  can  function  as  reliable
           and  proper vehicles. In  reality,  the  effort is  not  straightforward due  to  constraints
           in  the  development  process  and  media  utilization  of  course  materials.  These

           constraints  should  not  discourage  UT  in  providing  media  services to  students, as
           UT  is  aware  of the  fact  that  media  is  vital  component  in  the  delivery  of distance

                  Chapter  4  illustrates  the  use  of  tutorial  as  learning  support  for  distance

           learners.  In  distance  education  system,  learning  process  involves  self-study,  in
           which  students  must  have  learning  initiative  to  study  on  their  own,  or  form  a
           study  group,  or  consult  with  tutors  and  supervisors.  Although  self-study  is

           required ,  distance  education  institution  is  obliged  to  provide  learning  support
           services  for  the  students.  Learning  support  should  be  provided  since  there  are
           various  types  of  students'  characteristics  in  terms  of  age,  educational  level ,

           study habit, study  skill,  or  readiness  and  ability to  study  on  their own . Therefore,
           learning  support  services  should  be  provided ,  even  if  only  a  small  number  of

           students  actually  utilize  it.  UT  tutorial  services  are  provided  either  face-to-face
           or  at a distance by  means  of various  media.

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