Page 250 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 250

                                  he 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
                                   “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
                                                       ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
                                                          Universitas Terbuka

          1  INTRODUCTION
          In Majene district there is a fish auction place or fish marketing place
          which has several chart points. At the auction place is a place where
          traders  gather  in  the  charts  to  wait  for  the  catch  of  fish  from  the
          fishermen/sailors to carry out the marketing process in the markets [1].
          The fishing boats/boat facilities used by fishermen at the Majene fish
          auction are in the form of modern fishing boats/boats for catching fish
          at sea, because the boats used are no longer paddled with wood but
          already have modern machines for catching fish by boat. According to
          observations from seafarers, each boat/ship has eight people in one
          fishing vessel/boat [1].
          One type of fish resource that has great potential in Majene is a group
          of large pelagic fish, including tuna. Tuna is a type of fish that has a
          fairly high economic value and even beats various other species. The
          tuna fishery business is very lucrative because tuna is the prima donna
          fish in the country and abroad. The high world demand for tuna (tends
          to be overcapacity) makes the tuna  industry more passionate from
          year to year. This tuna product, which is liked by all circles, makes the
          selling price soar. Indonesia as the largest tuna producing country has
          great potential to dominate the international tuna market [1].
          According to Nontji [2] in Anonymous [6], Tuna is a fish that has a
          torpedo-like  shape  with  a  sharp  head.  The  body  is  smooth,  the
          pectoral fins are curved, and the caudal fin is forked with a wide slit.
          Behind the dorsal and anal fins are additional, small, separate fins.
          The  dorsal,  anal,  abdominal,  and  pectoral  fins,  at  the  base,  have
          curves on the body. The fins can be folded into the groove, so as to
          reduce the friction in the water when the fish is swimming at full speed.
          The  purpose  of  this  study  was  to  find  out  how  to  process  and
          marketing tuna fish in Pangali Ali Village, Banggae District, Majene
          Regency. According to Saanin [3] and FAO (2011) in Romdlona,  A
          (2014), stated that the classification of tuna is included in the Phylum
          Chordata,  Subphylum  Vertebrata,  Class  Teleostei,  Subclass
          Actinopterygii,  Order  Perciformes,  Suborder  Scombridae,  Family
          Scombridae, Genus thunnus Species Thunnus Sp.

          220                          ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
                    International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
                                                         Towards Society 5.0
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