Page 111 - Proceeding The 2nd International Seminar of Science and Technology : Accelerating Sustainable Innovation Towards Society 5.0
P. 111

                                 The 2  International Seminar of Science and Technology
                                   “Accelerating Sustainable innovation towards Society 5.0”
                                                       ISST 2022 FST UT 2022
                                                          Universitas Terbuka
          produced until it becomes a biofilm with a three-dimensional structure.
          Bacteria also continue to divide until they reach maximum density. In
          this  stage  the  formation  of  channels,  pores,  and  other  structures
          required by the biofilm occurs. This formation needed for facilitates the
          circulation  of  water  and  nutrients  as  excretory  channels  for
          microcolonies in the biofilm [19]–[21].
          The last stage is dispersion stage. This stage is characterized by a
          degraded  biofilm  matrix.  Some  bacteria  can  secrete  enzymes  that
          help degrade the biofilm matrix, one of them is E. coli that secretes N-
          acetyl-heparosan lyase. After the matrix is degraded, the bacteria will
          secrete proteins related to the formation of flagella, thus restore the
          motility  of  the  bacteria.  This  causes  the  sessile  bacteria  return  to
          planktonic bacteria [19]–[21].
          Biofilm  provide  advantages  for  bacteria  such  as  increasing
          environmental  stress  tolerance,  protection  from  physical  stress,
          nutritional  deficiencies,  and  enzymes  retention  [22].  Planktonic
          bacteria and sessile bacteria has difference advantages in terms of
          survivability.  Lea  et  al.,  [22]  reported,  sessile  bacteria  in  biofilm
          colonies  has  ability  to  upregulate  genes  related  to  environmental
          stress response. Moreover, sessile bacteria that live in biofilm have a
          higher  infection  rate.  Other  than  that,  bacteria  within  biofilm  more
          resistant  with  antibiotic  10-1000  times  higher  than  the  planktonic
          bacteria  [16],  [23],  [24].  The  resistance  of  bacteria  with  antibiotics
          occurs due to several factors. The first factor is the structure of the
          polymer matrix which makes antibiotic molecules difficult to penetrate
          [25]. The matrix of biofilm acts as a barrier for molecules that diffuse
          into the biofilm hence difficult for antibiotic molecules to reach bacteria
          within the biofilm [26]. Biofilm can also inactivate antibiotic molecules
          that  enter  them  through  diffusion-reaction  inhibition.  The  inhibitory
          reaction occur due to chelation mechanism or complex formations or
          degradation using enzymes reaction [16].
          Furthermore,  bacteria  that  live  in  biofilm  are  known  to  be  in  a
          stationary  phase  where  bacteria  do  not  reproduce  i.e.,  bacteria
          experience  a  non-growth  phase.  Some  bacteria  in  this  phase  also

          90                           ISST 2022 – FST Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
                    International Seminar of Science and Technology “Accelerating Sustainable
                                                         Towards Society 5.0
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