Page 28 - Pendidikan Terbuka dan Jarak Jauh
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Seminar Pendidikan .Jarak .Jauh Da!am Re(ormasi Pendidikan
             (5'eminar on Distance Education in Educational Refonn).
             Graduation !-1999 Universitas Terbuka.
        Brigham, D.  E.  1999.  U.S. distance courses: what's out there? what's
             hot? what's not'?.  Proceeding o/the 19 '  World Conference on
             Open Learning and Distance l:'ducation, Vienna, June 20-24.
        Daniel, J.  S.  1997. kfega-universitites and knowledge media.
              Technology strategies/or higher education. Great Britain:
             Kogan Page.
        Garrison, D. R.  1993. Quality and access in distance education:
             Theoretical considerations. Dalam D.  Keegan (Ed.),
              Theoretical principles o(distancc education,  pp. 9-21. New
             York:  Routledge.
        I !olmbcrg, B.  1983. Guided didactic conversation in  distance
             education. Dalam  D.  Sewart, D. Keegan, dan B. Holmberg
              (Eds.), Distance education: International penpectivcs. pp.
              114-210. New York: Croomllclm.
        I Iolmbcrg, B.  1986. Clrm1·th and structure o{distance education.
              New I Iampshirc: Croom Helm.
        Moore, M.G.  1993. Theory of transactional distance. Dalam D.
              Keegan, Theoretical princtjJ!es ofdisrance education,  pp. 22-
              38. New York:  Routledge.
        Moore, M.G. and Kcarslcy, G.  1996. Distance education il ~ystem
              View. Toronto: Wadsworth Publishing.
        Peters, 0. 1867. Distance education and industrial production: A
              comparative interpretation in  outline. Dalam D.  Keegan (Ed.),
              1993, Otto Peters on distance education.  'f'hc  industrialization
              of/caching and learning,  pp.  I 07-127. New York: Routledge.
        Peters, 0. 1993. Distance education in post-industrial society.  Dalam
              D.  Keegan (Ed.),  1993, Otto Peters on distance education.  The
              industrialization ofteaclzing and !earning,  pp.  220-240. New
              York:  Routledge.
        Peters, 0. 1999. The university of the future- pedagogical
              perspectives. Proceeding ol the 19'"  World Conference on
              Open Learning and Distance Education, Vienna, June 20-24.

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