Page 168 - Cakrawala Pendidikan: E-Learning Dalam Pendidikan
P. 168

H'illorapulm.  l'l'm/Jrrdar(l(l/1  \\'argawgara Se/Jagai  ....

            proses  interaksi  edukatif  peserta  didik  dengan  lingkungan
            belajarnya.  Kompetensi  sosial  tersebut  pada  dasarnya  dapat
            dilihat dalam kedua sisi kurikulurn tersebut.
                    Dalam  model  kurikulum  social studies Taba  et  al.  (1971:
            14), dimensi sosial yang menjadi pusat perhatian adalah sejumlah
            kemampuan  yang  dikelompokkan  ke  dalam  social  skills  yang
            mencakup  "...  planning  jointly,  participating  productively  in
            discussions,  developing  ideas  through  interaction  with  others,
            responding  courteously to  other's  queries,  and working jointly on
            group investigation".  Semua  kemampuan  itu,  yakni  "perencanaan
            bersama.  partisipasi  yang  produktif  dalam  diskusi,  mengembang-
            kan  gagasan  melalui  interaksi  dengan  yang.lain,  merespon
            dengan  tulus  pertanyaan/  permintaan  orang  lain,  dan  bekerja
            sama  dalam  penelitian  kelompok"  berada  dalam  bingkai  tujuan
            utama social studies sebagai berikut. (Taba, et al. 9).
            •   'To help student understand the nature of the society in  which
                they live  by seeing something of the  nature of its  parts,  while
                also comprehending something of its pattern as whole.
            •   To  help  the  students  acquire  those  skills  by which  they  can
                operate effectively within the society.
            •   To  help students  understand themselves  and their fellows  as
                completely as their individual capacities permit.
            •   To  help  students  acquire  the  information  and skills  they  will
                need in order to live and prosper in pluratlistic world.
            •   To  help  students  become  committed to  improving  the  quality
                of  the  life  which  they  share  in  the  society,  to  contribute
                eventually to  the  improvement of life  for all men  everywhere,
                and to  preserve  those  ideals  and values  which  represent  the
                highest manifestations of their human spirit"
                   Tujuan  tersebut  secara  substansial  berorientasi  kepada
            pengembangan  individu  sebagai  aktor sosial,  sebagaimana telah
            diuraikan pada bagian awal artikel ini.

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