Page 99 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 99


                The  continuous  efforts  to  give  better  services  to  the  students  are  the  UT

           commitment  to  educate  people  across  the  country.  Too  much  reliance  on  the
           students' autonomy  of their own  learning  process  appeared  insufficient; therefore
           it  could  not  be  retained  any  longer.  From  time  to  time  UT  has  been  trying  to

           itnprove  its support services  in  students' learning  process. It was  reflected  in  the

           form  of  better  structured  and  organized  tutorials.  UT  has  begun  to  take  into
           account  the  tutorial  achievement  in  the  form  of  percentage  contribution  to  the
           final  grade.  The  percentage  of the  contribution  depended  on  the  span  of  control

           UT  took  to  the  tutorial  processes. The  more  controlled  tutorial  process, the  more

           it  has  contribution  to  the  final  grade.  In  relation  to  that,  UT  concentrates  all  its
           efforts  trying  to  improve  the  quality  of  tutorials.  These  efforts  should  be
           continued  as  to  reach  UT  mission  that  is:  to  become  one  of  the  centers  of

           excellence  among  distance higher institutions in  Asia  by  2010  and  in  the  world  by


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