Page 95 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 95

specially  designed  for  distance  education.  This  interesting  offer  was  responded
           positively  by  Department  of Education  and  Culture.  This  cooperation  was  what  it

           should  be, since  there  was  direct  relation  between  national  education  policy  and
           institution  running  TV  programs.  This  cooperation  was  not  meant  to  solve  the

           problem  of using  communication  technology  for  education . Instead, it was  still an
           early  struggle  for  both  parties  to  support  and  share  benefits  to  each  other.  The

           continuity  of  this  TV  program  depended  on  whether  both  parties  carried  on  their
           promises  to  make  education  a primary need.

                TV  program  through  direct broadcast  satellite  (TV-DBS)  was  an  opportunity
           for  UT  to  deliver  its  learning  materials.  The  only  constraint  was  the  recipient

           quality.  This  was  because  TV-DBS  was  a closed  broadcast  that  needed  special
           equipment  to  receive  its  broadcast  so  that  it  needed  a lot of preparations  before

           it can  be  applied  properly.
                In  its  development,  broadcasting  TV-DBS  through  Cakra  Warta  satellite

           could  not  be  utilized  as  learning  media  as  was  planned .  Finally  Cakra  Warta
           satellite  was  employed  as  cable  TV  channel  called  Quick  Channel  or  Q-Channel

           managed  by  private  sector. Q-Channel  gradually  became  well  known  because  the
           broadcast could  be  easily received  by  the  owners  of satellite dish  and  decoder as

           well  as  /ndovision  cable  TV  subscribers. From  the  year  2000  until  2005  the  time
           allocated  for  UT  was  only  one  hour  daily.  Meanwhile,  since  2004 ,  UT  TV

           programs have  been  also  broadcasted  through  a new  education  TV  station  owned
           by  Department  of  National  Education  that  is  Education  TV.  Until  2005  the  time

           allocated  for UT  on  the  Education TV  was  only one  hour a day.
                The  use  of cable  TV  either Q Channel  or  Education  TV  for  UT  TV  programs

           was  not  convenient  considering  that  it  was  limited  to  the  students  who  had
           satellite  dish  or  subscribed  to  cable  TV.  However, this  could  be  regarded  as  an
           effort  to  remain  utilizing  this  media  while  hopeful  that  in  the  future  there  would

           be  better  condition.  Considering  that  the  cost  of  a  satellite  dish  becomes

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