Page 97 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 97

Onlin e  Tutorial uses  P e r s onal Computer (PC)

                In  meeting  the  future  challenges,  UT  continu·ously  develops  and  uses  its
          internet  networks. Although  student's access  to  the  internet  is  still  very  limited,

          UT  has  developed  support  services  through  the  internet  called  UT  Online.  Even
          though  the  facility  of  UT  Online  was  available,  student's  constraint  in  using  it

          was  the  cost  which  was  considered  expensive  and  the  inadequate  infrastructure
          condition  in  many  parts  of  Indonesia.  Considering  that  this  media  was  the  most

          powerful  interactive  med ia  in  distance  education  system ,  UT  and  internet
          providers should  be  able  to  cooperate  in  order to  help  students . In  the  future , the

          use  of  computers  either  network-based  or  not  will  be  more  intensified  in
          accordance with  the  development of computer technology.

               The  computer-based  media  could  be  used  as  delivery system  of the  learning
          materials  and  as  learning  support  media.  Online  learning  support  was  used  to

          overcome  the  constraints  of  distance  and  time.  UT  onl ine  as  mentioned  earlier

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