Page 98 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 98

has  various  facilities  to  help  students,  one  of  which  was  online  tutorial .  Until
             2005,  there  were  online  tutorial  services  for  330  courses  accompanied  by  463

             skilled  tutors.  The  availability  of  tutors  through  online  tutorials  was  to  assist
             students'  learning  process  whenever  needed.  Online  media  was  also  regarded  as

             the  right  media  for  learning  support  services .   Considering  the  diversity  of
             student's  characteristics,  student's  needs  to  communicate  with  their  tutor  is  a

             dominant characteristic of  UT  students . This  media  enables  them  to  communicate

             either  personally  or  collectively  to  their  tutors  regardless  of  distance  and  time
             constraints.  Table  3  shows  the  number  of  courses,  tutors,  and  tutors  who  have
             access  to  online tutorials offered  by  UT.

                                  Table  3.  Data  of Online  Tutorial  2005.2

                                        NUMBER     NUMBER     NUMBER     NUMBER OF ACCESS
                       FACULTY             OF        OF         OF      STUDENTS    TUTORS
                                        COURSES  STUDENTS     TUTORS
                FMIPA                     70        369         68        2803      8943
                FEKON                     49        5473        72       57277      32289
                FISIP                     108       5615       131       50021      36049
                FKIP                      78        1237        80        5809      13134

                Masters in Public Adm.    12        122         61       12641      5885
                Masters in Management     13        198         51       18615      9427
                TOTAL                     330       13014      463       147166     105727

                   The  data  on  the  Table  3 shows  that  online  tutorials  for  masters  program  in
             public  administration  and  management  has  high  students'  participations .  This
             was  because  the  online  tutorial  was  obligatory  and  an  integral  part  of  face-to-

             face  tutorial.  On  the  other  hand,  the  online  tutorial  for  diploma  and

             undergraduate programs were  not obligatory.

   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103