Page 102 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 102

Furthermore , summative  assessment is  conducted  by  providing  self-directed
              examination  (Tugas  Mandiri/ TM},  tutorial  tasks  (Tugas  Tutorial) , practical  works

              (Praktik) ,  practicum  (Praktikum),  final  semester  examination  (Ujian  Akhir

              Semester/UAS) , and  final  program  assignment (Tugas  Akhir Program/TAP).
                   Self-directed  examination  (Tugas  Mandiri/TM).  TM  is  self-directed  and
              without  inspection,  and  it  is  done  by  students  at  about  the  middle  of semester.

              The  main  aim  of  providing  TM  is  to  motivate  students  to  learn  materials

              individually  or  in  a  group  immediately  after  they  register  themselves.   The
              students  are  not  compulsorily  do  TM .   TM  covers  about  50%  of  materials
              presented  in  the  module  (Buku  Materi  Pokok/  BMP/Modu/) .  In  1984,  TM  was

              assumed  as  mid-semester test and  delivered  to  students as  a part  of the  module.
              However,  since  1990,  TM  manuscript  and  the  answer  sheet  were  provided  in

              Regional  Office  and  given  to  students  during  period  of registration .  The  format
              of all  TM  is  multiple  choice  tests , however  in  1996, the  format  of  some  TM  was

              changed  to  essay  test.  This  change  was  based  on  the  characteristic of  subject
              matter  and  competencies  that  are  measured .  Initially,  student's answer  sheets

             were  graded  in  the  Head  Office  of  UT,  however  due  to  the  number  of  students
              and  improvement  of quality  resources  in Regional  Offices, providing , distributing

              and  scoring  of TM  were  conducted  in  Regional  Offices .  TM  was  developed  in  the
              Head  Office  by  either UT  or other university's lecturers.  Student's answer sheets

             of essay  test  should  be  sent  to  Head  Office  of UT  not  later than  a month  prior to
             semester  examination  and  those  answer  sheets  were  scored  by  lecturers  at  the

             faculties.  Regional  Offices  and  Faculties  sent TM  scores  to  Examination  Center
             for  further  processes, such  as  the  process  of  key-in and  compiling  TM  score  with

             other  scores  (scores  of  final  semester  test,  practical  works,  practicum , tutorial)
             and  the  process  of  grading.  In  order  to  enhance  quality  of  student  services ,

             especially  in  providing  test paper, in  2000  UT  presented  TM  in  modul and  in  2002
             UT  provided  TM  and  its  answer  sheet  in  UT  website.  In  2005,  UT  provided  TM

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