Page 106 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 106

Tabel  1.  Composition of the  number of test items
                          (Decree  of  Rector of UT No .  268/J3/KEP/2004)

                                          L  TEST ITEMS FOR A SET OF FINAL SEMESTER TEST
                                           ALTERNATIVE I                 ALTERNATIVE II
                                                                        ITEM TEST
                                         ITEM TEST OF  ITEM TEST OF               ITEM TEST OF
            CONCEPTS  CALCULATION  TOTAL                         TOTAL     OF
                                         CONCEPTS    CALCULATION                  CALCULATION
              100%        0%        45       45          0         50      50          0
              75 %       25 %       40       30          10       45       33         12
              50 %       50 %       35       18          17       40       20         20

              25 %       75 %       30       7           23       35       8          27
               0%        100 %      30       0           30        -       -           -
                   Reading                           30 items, 35 items, or 40 items

                  Practical  works  (praktik)  or  practicum  (praktikum).  The  main  aim  of
            praktik  or  praktikum  assessment    is  to  measure  students  competencies  in

            performing  and  reporting  praktik  or  praktikum  works.  UT  developed  design  of
            praktik  or  praktikum  assessment  in  1987  and  started  to  implement  this

            assessment  in  1989.  Students  compulsorily  take  praktik_or  praktikum  for  some
            certain  subjects  and  they  will  be  assessed .  Thus,  if a student does  not involve  in

            those  praktik  or  praktikum  activities,  they  will  not  have  the  final  grade  for  the
            related  subjects  eventhough  the  student  has  UAS  score.  Praktik  or  praktikum
            assessment  is  implemented  in  several  programs/subjects , such  as  the  programs

            of  agriculture , science, education ,  sports  or  the  subjects  of  microbiology,  sports

            education,  teaching .  Through  those  subjects ,  the  students  are  expected  to
            perform  certain  skills/competencies .  Initially,  the  score  of praktikum  contributes
            15%  to  the  final  grade  and  the  score  of  praktik  contributes  40%  to  the  final

            grade.  However in  2005 , the  score  of either praktik or  praktikum contributes  30%

            to  the  final  grade.

   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110   111