Page 108 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 108

Development of Assessment  Instruments

                  Prior  to  2005,  there  was  a  unit  in  each  faculty  (Unit  Pengembangan

             Soai/UPS)  which  coordinated  test  item  development  and  pooled  tests  item  and
             acted  as  the  Faculty  item  bank .  Since  2005,  test  item  development  has  been

             coordinated  by  each  program/department  of  the  faculty  and  Vice  Dean  I  is
             responsible  for this  activity.

                  Test  items  were  constructed  based  on  test  specification  in  order to  maintain
             the  relevance  of  the  tests  produced  to  learning  objectives  and  the  test  validity

             and  reliability  as  well .   Test  specification  enlightened  the  attribute  of  the
             developed  items,  such  as  competencies  and  indicators  measured ,  type  of  item ,

             level  of  difficulty, and  level  of thinking . UT  or  other university lecturers  who  have
             expertise  in  related  subjects  and  meet  the  requirements  develop  the

             specification .  Other  lecturers  who  have  similar  expertise  in  the  same  subject
             review and  validate  that  specification.

                  UT  or  other  university  lecturers  who  have  expertise  in  related  subject  and
             meet  the  requirements  construct  test  items  based  on  specification  determined.
             Such  requirements  are  necessitated  for  test  item  writer, namely  experience  as  a

             lecturer  in  relevant  subject  and  participation  in  training  of  item  test  writing

             provided  by  UT.  Furthermore,  for  assuring  appropriateness  of  test  items  to  the
             test  specification,  other  UT  or  university  lecturers  who  have  similar  expertise  in
             the  same  subject  review  and  validate  the  items.  Aspects  of  review  are  content,

             language  and  item  construction.  Test  items  which  do  not  meet  the  specification

             have  to  be  revised  by  reviewer  or  by  the  writer.  In  order  to  develop  item  bank
             system , 10  sets  of test items  are  constructed  for each  subject.
                   In  2002, the  items  that  met  the  specification  were  processed  in  application

             of  item  bank  system  at  the  Examination  Center  of  UT.  Prior  to  2002 ,  the  items

            arranging  of  all  subject  were  manually  employed .  The  item  sets  selected  were
             typed .  Meanwhile,  in  2002,  the  processes  of  item  assembling  of  most  subjects

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