Page 110 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 110

Administering  Examination

                  Paper  and  pencil  examination  had  been  the  only  mode  of  examination  for

             almost  all  subject  matters  (except  speaking)  offered  by  UT  until  2005 ,  the
             administration  of examination  takes  place  at  certain  locations  (examination  sites)

             throughout  Indonesia.  As  a  result  students  all  over  Indonesia  must  sit  the
             examination  at  the  same  day  and  the  same  time  regardless  of  students

             competencies .
                  In  order  to  conduct  examination , UT  had  32  Regional  Offices  (Unit  Be/ajar

             Jarak  Jauh/UPBJJ)  in  1996, and  since  2006  there  are  37  Regional  Offices. In  the
             year  2006 ,  there  were  more  than  700  examination  sites,  comprising  more  than

             8000  rooms.  In  general  students  choose  examination  site  which  is  near  to  their
             homes  under  the  coordination  of  a  particular  Regional  Office .  However  in  a

             certain  condition ,  for  example  in  a  duty  which  is  far  from  the  previous
             examination  site,  a  student  has  the  chance  to  ask  permission  from  other

             Regional  Offices  to  take  examination.  UT  also  has  several  examination  sites  out
             of the  country, such  as  in  Dubai , the  Netherland, and  Australia.  Student, whose

             job  is  mobile ,  such  as  flight  attendant,  has  advantages  from  the  flexibility  in
             choosing  examination  sites .  So  that  student  may  plan  and  propose  to  conduct

             exam  at  a  certain  exam  site  according  to  them ,  including  overseas.  For
             kindergarten  and  primary  school  teacher  education  program,  UT  defines

             examination  sites  at  municipal  (kecamatan)  level.  This  is  intended  to  reach
             students in  very  remote  areas.

                  Before  the  day  of  examination,  students  can  obtain  examination
             identification  card  at  Regional  Office . The  cards  are  produced  in  UT  Head  Office

             and  delivered  to  all  Regional  Office  accordingly.  Students  are  expected  to  get
             the  card  four  days  before  the  examination  at  the  latest.  This  is  intended  to  allow

             students  finding  their  examination  site  and  room  and  check  the  correctness  of
             the  subject matter based  on  what they  register. The  card  also  contain  information

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