Page 103 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 103

online  on  UT  website . Hence  the  students  could  have  access  and  answer the  test
           item  of  TM  and  immediately  recognize  the  number  of  true  answers  they  made.

           In  2006 ,  TM  essay  test  score  did  not  contribute  to  the  final  grade,  and  in 2007
           the  format  of  TM  changed  to  Latihan  Mandiri  or  LM  (self-directed  practice),

           namely sets  of tasks  or  tests  which  were  provided  for student exercise  in order to
           enhance  student's  understanding  or  competencies.  LM  score  did  not  contribute

          to  the  final  grade.  Initially, contribution  of TM  score  to  the  final  grade  was  20%
          for  subjects  that  requested  practical  work  and  15  %  for  subjects  that  did  not

          request  practical  work.  In  2005,  the  contribution  became  15% for  all  subjects.
          TM  score  was  effective  only  for  one  semester.  Generally,  final  semester  test

          score  contributed  to  the  final  grade ,  however  due  to  the  students  were  not
          compulsorily  to  do  TM ,  often  TM  score  was  not  available,  and  thus  could  not

          contribute  to  the  final  grade.  In  this  case,  the  final  grade  only  came  from  the
          final  semester  test  score, if the  scores  of practical  work, practicum,  and  tutorial
          were  not  available as  well.

                Tutorial  Task  (Tugas  Tutorial) .  Tugas  Tutorial  was  provided  in  several

          tutorial  models.  Face-to-face  tutorial  (TTM/  tutorial  tatap  muka)  was  the  first
          model  of  tutorial  which  was  developed  in  UT,  in  1990  for  the  students  of  In-
          service  Primary  School  Teacher  Education  Program  (PGSD) .     Initially,  this

          tutorial  score  did  not  contributed  to  the  final  grade, however  in  2000  this  tutorial

          score  contributed  to  the  final  grade.  TTM  tutorial  could  facilitate  students  to
          have  structured  and  programmed  learning  and  to  train  their  abilities  and  skills
          through  the  tasks  delivered  that  they  have  from  their  tutor.  Tutorial  score

          contributed  to  the  final  grade.  In  2000 ,  UT  provided  the  model  of  electron ic

          tutorial  (tutell tutorial  elektronik)  which  contributed  10%  to  final  grade  and  the
          name  was  changed  to  become  online  tutorial  (futon/tutorial  online)  in  2004.  In
          2005, both  futon  and  written  tutorial  (tutis/tutorial tertulis)  contributed  15% to  the

          final  grade,  while  TTM  tutorial  contributed  30%  to  the  final  grade.  Students

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