Page 104 - Cakrawala Pendidikan: E-Learning Dalam Pendidikan
P. 104

l'muwn,  Kunlitm dn/m11

             Sylwester,  R.  (1995).  A  celebration  of  neurons:  An  educator's
                    guide to the human brain.  Alexandria,  VA.:  Association for
                    Supervision and Curriculum Development.
             Tomlinson,  C.A.  ( 1999)  The differentiated classroom: Responding
                    to  the  needs  of all learners.  Alexandria,  VA.:  Association
                    for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
             Vygotsky,  L.  (1978).  Mind in  society:  The  development  of higher
                    psychological processes.  Dalam  M.Cole,  V.  John-Steiner,
                    S.  Scribner,  &  E.  Souberman,  (Eds.)  Cambridge,  MA:
                    Harvard University Press.
             Vygotsky,  L.  (1986).  Thought  and  language.  Dalam  A.  Kozulin,
                    Trans.  (Eds.).  Cambridge,  MA.:  The  MIT  Press  (original
                    work published in  Russian  in  1934)

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