Page 130 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 130

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  Table 4
                  Transition of Online Subjects

                    Year   Semester    Subjects   Subjects
                                        newly    operated
                   2015       1 st       11         2                                                  PICTURE
                              2 nd        -         2
                   2016       1 st       13         10                                             LANDSCAPE
                              2 nd        -         13
                   2017       1 st       12         20
                              2 nd        2         26
                   2018       1 st       10         38
                   2019       1 st       14         48
                              2 nd        -         50
                   2020       1 st       12         61
                                                                Student learning activities and assessment
                  The  Online  Education  programs  at  OUJ     methods are designed according to the
                  is  delivered  in  both  Synchronous  and     objectives  of  each  course.  Simulation
                  Asynchronous  Modes.  For  the  “Online       tools and online group learning methods
                  Subject”  in  Credit-granting  regular  courses,   are adopted depending upon the subject.
                  they can be categorized as follows.
                                                             2.  Online Classroom courses in synchronous
                  1.  Moodle courses in asynchronous modes      modes
                      These online courses utilize the learning   This mode was developed in the midst of
                      management system (LMS) “Moodle” to       the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 in order to
                      deliver video lectures as well as reading   cope with the closure of classrooms at the
                      materials  online,  so  that  students  can   Study Centers. By using a teleconference
                      study  anytime  and  anywhere.  Online    system   (“Zoom”)   and/or   “Google
                      quizzes  given  at  the  end  of  each    Classroom”,  lectures  and  practicums
                      session  are  given  to  assess  students’   were held in synchronous modes. While
                      understanding  of  the  materials  and    most  participants  in  traditional  face-to-
                      students  receive  immediate  feedback    face  classes  are  confined  to  those  who
                      after  taking  these  quizzes.  In  order  to   have  enrolled  at  a  local  Study  Center,
                      improve  interactivity  and  to  assure  the   students from all across the country were
                      quality  of  learning,  students  can  ask   able  to  participate  in  Online  Classroom
                      questions directly to the instructors and   courses, demonstrating the value of ICT.
                      participate  in  online  forums  to  discuss   In  the  year  2020,  80  Online  Classroom
                      materials with peers.                     courses were offered.

                  The Open University of Japan (OUJ)
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