Page 128 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 128

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  Table 2                                    Nature and       Cultivate the capacity
                  Six  areas  of  Study  at  The  Faculty  of  Liberal   Environment  to take action and
                  Arts                                                        decisions contributing
                                                                              to a sustainable future
                                                                              by scientifically learning
                     Areas of Study       Objectives                          about aspects of nature
                   Living and Welfare  Create sustainable,                    and acquiring deeper
                                    high quality of life                      understanding of their
                                    by cultivating a deep                     intrinsic qualities, as
                                    understanding of food,                    well as recognizing the
                                    clothing, and shelter;                    relationship between
                                    family; health; and                       human activities and
                                    welfare.                                  nature.
                   Psychology and   Understand various
                   Education        issues related to human   As  mentioned,  in  the  School  of  Graduate
                                    psychology and its       Studies, Division of Arts and Sciences, there
                                    development through      are Master and Doctoral Programs.
                                    their relationship with
                                    modern society. Learn
                                    key knowledge and        The Master Program provides opportunities
                                    approaches necessary     for  students  from  various  backgrounds  to
                                    to support psychological   study at their own pace without leaving their
                                    development and
                                    education, with the      offices or homes and aims to be a place where
                                    aim of actualizing a     students  can  obtain  a  degree  for  general
                                    sustainable society.     education or advanced professional studies.
                   Society and      Acquire the knowledge    The school develops human resources who
                   Industry         and skills to live in    have decision-making skills based on a deep
                                    a sustainable and
                                    prosperous society by    and broad educational background and who
                                    understanding the basic   can commit to society with their knowledge
                                    mechanisms governing a   and vision.
                                    society and industry.
                   Humanities and   Deepen understanding     The  School  of  Graduate  Studies  Doctoral
                   Culture          of thought, literature,
                                    and the arts, and        Program  aims  to  nurture  high-quality
                                    explore the history of   professional researchers who can overcome
                                    the characteristics and   challenges   in   local   communities   or
                                    development of modern    workplaces by deepening their expertise, and
                                    civilization, as well as local
                                    cultures and societies.  have the insight to integrate those challenges
                   Informatics      Master concepts and      by  focusing  on  their  social  and  academic
                                    knowledge relating       meaning  and  to  cultivate  highly  educated
                                    to information and IT,   intellectuals who can support a knowledge-
                                    which are essential for   based society in diverse ways by maximizing
                                    people living in highly
                                    information-oriented     their educational level through independent
                                    societies                and creative research.

                  The Open University of Japan (OUJ)
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