Page 123 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  103

               institutions being created in response to the   altered  the  structure  of  higher  education.
               public educational demands, and once they   Higher  education  was  united  in  1949
               have grown and become socially established,   under  the  single  designation  “university”
               they are publicly recognized by their position   in  terms  of  curriculum,  length,  admission
               when viewed from the Imperial Universities.   procedures, instructor standards, graduation
               Educational  institutions  have  been  given   requirements,  educational  circumstances,
               official  names  (vocational  schools,  high   etc.  Schools  that  did  not  meet  certain
               schools,  specialized  training  colleges,  etc.)   standards,  which  were  mainly  girls’
               and  officially  recognized  each  time  their   educational  institutions,  were  regarded  as
               place in society has become settled, as if they   junior colleges, but since they were regarded
               are individual ores that crystallize from the   as tentative forms that would be converted
               chaos of magma in descending order of their   into  four-year  universities,  fundamentally
               melting points.                            the  simple  scheme  of  “higher  education  =
                                                          university education” was established. 4
               Of  course,  not  all  higher  education
               institutions were linearly integrated into the   However, soon after this system of “higher
               hierarchy  with  the  Imperial  Universities  at   education  Equals  university  education”  was
               the top. For example, higher teaching schools   formed,  numerous  forces  were  exerted
               and  specialist  business  schools  formed   toward diversification. For example, in 1951,
               a  “collateral  system”  that  was  separate   the Ordinance Revision Advisory Committee
               from  the  Imperial  Universities,  and  in  that   proposed dividing universities into academic
               sense,  it  can  be  said  that  Japan’s  higher   “ordinary  universities”  and  “specialized
               education  prior  to  the  World  War  II  had  a   universities”  focused  on  the  transfer  of
               multidimensional structure that was “diverse   specialized  skills,  and  in  1962,  technical
               and specialized, and each had its own system   colleges were established, leading in a new
               of advancement.” 3                         non-university  system  (mostly  industrial).
                                                          Nevertheless, they were never able to break
               The  General  Headquarters  of  the  Supreme   the  scheme’s  framework,  either  in  terms
               Commander for the Allied Powers (GHQ) led   of  influence  or  absolute  quantity.  Rather,
               postwar  education  reform  that  drastically   4. Kazuyuki Kitamura, “Institutional Structure of ‘Post-
                                                          Secondary Education’ in Japan” Hiroshima University,
               3. Ikuo Amano, “Higher Education System Theory –   University Education and Research Center, “University
               Search for a Japanese Model” in Shigeo Kono and Ikuo   Theory,” Vol. 7 (1979), p. 25.
               Arai eds., “Structure and Challenges of Contemporary
               Education” Gyosei (1978), p. 180.

                                                                      The Open University of Japan (OUJ)
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