Page 126 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 126

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  The Open University Of Japan As The        Oct. 2011   Nationwide digital
                  National Center Of Lifelong Learning                   broadcasting via BS
                  The  Open  University  of  Japan  (OUJ)  was           (Broadcast Satellite) was
                  established under the auspices of the Ministry         launched
                  of  Education,  Culture,  Sports,  Science  and   Oct. 2014  The Doctoral Program was
                  Technology  (MEXT),  and  the  Ministry  of            launched at the School of
                  Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC). It          Graduate Studies
                  is an accredited “correspondence university”   Apr. 2015  Online Courses were launched
                  with the approval of MEXT. Table 1 presents   Apr. 2017  The Center for Online
                  the history of OUJ since its inception as the          Education (COE) was
                  University of the Air.                                 established
                                                             Apr. 2018   The Research Institute for
                  Table 1                                                Learning and Education
                  Brief History of the Open University of Japan          Strategies (RILES) was
                  (Formerly, the University of the Air)
                                                             Oct. 2018   Additional BS channel (BS
                                                                         232ch) were made available
                   Apr. 1983  The University of the Air                  to offer a variety of programs
                              (U-Air) was established                    (shift from terrestrial digital
                   Apr. 1985  Undergraduate students                     broadcasting)
                              were accepted and Broadcast
                              Lecture Courses were started   MISSIONS AND PROGRAMS
                   Jan. 1998  Nationwide digital             The  Open  University  of  Japan  is  legally
                              broadcasting via CS            classified  as  “Private  University”  that  is
                              (Communications Satellite)     funded by the Government’s “Management
                              was launched                   Expenses Grant”.
                   Oct. 1998  Students enrolled in
                              undergraduate degree           The missions of the OUJ are as the following.
                              programs were accepted at
                              Study Centers throughout       1.  As  a  lifelong  learning  institution,  OUJ
                              Japan                             aims to provide a wide range of people
                   Apr. 2001  The School of Graduate            with  opportunities  for  obtaining  higher
                              Studies was established for       education.
                              the Master’s Program           2.  With  a  new  framework  of  higher
                   Dec. 2006  A terrestrial digital             education,  OUJ  aims  to  provide  high
                              broadcasting service was          school graduates with flexible and mobile
                              launched (for the Kanto           opportunities to continue their learning
                              region only)                      in post-secondary education.
                   Oct. 2007  The University of the Air was
                              renamed with “The Open
                              University of Japan (OUJ)”

                  The Open University of Japan (OUJ)
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