Page 124 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 124

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  junior  colleges,  which  had  been  formed  as   The  subsequent  quantitative  expansion  of
                  a  transitional  measure,  had  grown  socially   specialized training colleges was remarkable,
                  established and expanded during the decades   and the number of students had surpassed
                  after the war, posing a threat to the unitary   that of junior colleges about ten years later.
                  concept.  While  the  university  was  officially   The  driving  force  behind  this  quantitative
                  designated  as  the  only  conventional  type   expansion was the increase in the number of
                  of  higher  education,  a  different  path  was   specialized course students, especially male
                  formed  in  society.  However,  because  more   students, who qualified for admission as high
                  than  90%  of  those  who  used  that  method   school graduates. Also, in July 1975, the “Act
                  were women, it could be stated that it did   on  Subsidies  for  Private  Schools”  (together
                  not become a societal force.               with an amendment to the “Private Schools
                                                             Act”), which was enacted at the same time
                  On  the  other  hand,  during  the  period  of   as  the  law  related  to  specialized  training
                  high  economic  growth  in  the  1960s  and   colleges,  functioned  strongly  as  a  measure
                  1970s, there was another set of educational   to curb the quantitative expansion of private
                  institutions that had achieved great growth   higher education institutions unlike anything
                  both  quantitatively  and  qualitatively.  They   else  that  had  been  seen  in  the  post-war
                  were  miscellaneous  schools.  Miscellaneous   era, and the fact that it applied the brakes
                  schools are a general term for “other types   to  overall  admissions  to  universities  also
                  of  schools”  that  are  outside  the  provisions   promoted  the  quantitative  expansion  of
                  of  the  School  Education  Act  and  were   specialized training colleges as an alternative
                  educational institutions that had no standards   course.
                  thus had not been subject to review under
                  public  standards.  However,  at  that  time,   This  movement  towards  diversification  of
                  some  miscellaneous  schools  systematically   higher  education  institutions  is  not  limited
                  provided  advanced,  specialized  education   to  Japan.  Similar  movements  also  occurred
                  over  the  same  period  as  junior  colleges,   around  the  same  time  as  Japan’s  in  OECD
                  in  response  to  the  growing  demand  for   countries such as the United States, Sweden,
                  education  in  the  private  sector.  As  their   the  United  Kingdom,  and  then-West
                  power  gradually  increased,  there  were   Germany.  From  that  time  on,  the  OECD
                  increasing  calls  from  miscellaneous  schools   began to replace “higher education” with the
                  for preferential legal treatment equivalent to   more  universal  concept  of  “post-secondary
                  Article 1 schools under the School Education   education.”  However,  it  is  difficult  to  say
                  Act.  Then,  after  a  decade-long  movement   that the term post-secondary education has
                  by the National Federation of Miscellaneous   gained  widespread  adoption  in  Japan.  This
                  Schools  as  a  pressure  group,  a  specialized   is  because  the  idea  of  “university”  being
                  training  college  system  was  established  in   the  original  form  of  higher  education  and
                  1975.                                      distinguishing  it  from  other  educational
                                                             institutions  is  still  deep-rooted.  However,
                                                             no  matter  what  term  is  used,  it  is  certain

                  The Open University of Japan (OUJ)
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