Page 132 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 132

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  Non-credit Courses                         MOOCs AND OTHER OPEN EDUCATION
                  Lifelong  Learning  Channel.  OUJ  broadcasts  PRACTICES
                  are  designed  to  satisfy  people’s  different
                  requirements  for  lifetime  learning  by  MOOCs
                  presenting  lectures  on  TV  as  extension   Before OUJ launched official online courses
                  programs, building on the academic experience   in  April  2015,  OUJ  participated  in  Japan’s
                  of OUJ faculty while simultaneously breaking   MOOC consortium JMOOC in October 2013
                  away from beyond the traditional framework   as a founding member, released one of the
                  of higher education. In FY2019, there were   JMOOC  platform  services,  and  published
                  218 TV programs produced for the Lifelong   some MOOCs.
                  Learning Channel, with 190 in FY2020.
                                                             In April 2014, OUJ offered two MOOCs as the
                  Non-credit Extension  Courses.  Working  in   first release from JMOOC. One of the courses
                  partnership  with  relevant  organizations,   was “NIHONGO STARTER (Japanese primer)”,
                  OUJ provides open access courses designed   which was based on the Japan Foundation’s
                  to  develop  professional  skills  that  will  help   standards  for  Japanese  language  learning
                  accelerate  career  development.  Upon     and  the  Common  European  Framework  of
                  successful completion of these courses, OUJ   Reference  for  Languages  (CEFR).  The  other
                  issues  both  a  certificate  of  completion  and   MOOC was “Computer System”, which was
                  a digital badge. These courses are intended   remixed from an OUJ regular TV course (the
                  to bring flexibility to learning pathways and   Principal Lecturer was Yoichi Okabe, former
                  to meet the needs of diverse members of a   president of OUJ). The OUJ-MOOC platform
                  lifelong learning society. Anyone can enroll in   was based on the CHiLO Book system, which
                  these courses, whether they are OUJ students   was  developed  by  CCC-TIES,  a  Japanese
                  or non-students. In 2020, eight new courses   NPO. Considering the diversity of users’ ICT
                  are planned to be provided with digital badge   environments,  they  adopted  a  combination
                  issuing services (two for school programming   of eBook (specifically, e-pub 3.0 and iBook),
                  education,  five  for  mathematical/data   traditional  LMS  (Moodle)  and  several
                  sciences and AI, etc.).                    social  media  services  such  as  Facebook
                                                             (for  registration  and  learner  community),
                  Table 5                                    YouTube  (for  video  delivery)  and  Mozilla
                  The List of OUJ Extension Courses          Open  Badge  (for  certification,  Open  Badge
                                                             version 1).
                       Course title    Academic   Number
                                      year (April  of Badges   In  2017,  OUJ  retreated  from  the  MOOC
                                      to March)   Issued     platform  service  and  the  courses  were
                   Elementary School    2020       366       moved to the Asia Learning Portal managed
                   Education: An                             by  Asian  Association  of  Open  Universities
                   Introduction                              (AAOU0 and the University of the Philippine
                   Teaching Method of   2020       206       Open University (UPOU).
                   Scratch Programming

                  The Open University of Japan (OUJ)
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