Page 137 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 137

Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  117

                                                          3.  Conducting face-to-face lessons online
                                                             As  a  response  to  the  COVID-19
                                                             pandemic,  all  face-to-face  schooling
                                                             in  the  first  semester  of  2020  was
                                                             conducted  online.  As  a  result,  the
                                                             advantages  of  simultaneous  interactive
                                                             lessons  online  became  clear.  Since  the
                                                             threat  of  the  pandemic  is  expected  to
                                                             continue for some time, the conducting
                                                             face-to-face lessons partially online and
                                                             hybrid lessons (high-flex type / blended
                                                             type)  will  be  progressed,  based  on  the
                                                             experience of the first semester of 2020.
                                                             Through this, it is certain that it will be
                                                             easier for students living in remote areas
                                                             and remote islands to take lessons that
                                                             are equivalent to face-to-face schooling.

                                                          4.  Promotion of research and development
                                                             of media education
                                                             After   empirically   examining   the
                                                             appropriate  allocation  ratio  between
                                                             broadcast lessons and lessons via other
                                                             media,  based  on  the  advantages  and
                                                             weaknesses of various teaching forms of
                                                             e-learning,  OUJ  will  establish  a  “Media
                                                             Education  Research  and  Development
                                                             Center”  (tentative  name)  as  the  main
                                                             organization in charge of the systematic
                                                             research,  development,  planning,  and
                                                             production of media lessons. This can be
                                                             thought of  as  a  reduced  version  of  the
                                                             former National Institute for Multimedia
                                                             Education.  The  target  of  research  and
                                                             development  is  not  limited  to  online
                                                             subjects.  Media  education  has  always
                                                             been  the  most  important  theme  for
                                                             demonstrating  research  capabilities  at

                                                                      The Open University of Japan (OUJ)
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