Page 142 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 142

06           The Open                                   ESTABLISHMENT

                  University                                 Education in Sri Lanka has a long history which
                                                             dates to several millennia. As a country, Sri
                                                             Lanka considers education as a wealth and the
                  of Sri Lanka:                              state has taken the responsibility of providing
                  High-Quality                               education  to  its  citizens  from  the  primary
                                                             level to the tertiary level, including vocational
                  Education for                              education. The Constitution of Sri Lanka, in
                                                             its  section  on  directive  principles  of  state
                  All Through                                policy  at  27(2)(H),  includes  ‘the  complete

                  Inclusivity and                            eradication of illiteracy and the assurance to
                                                             all persons of the right to universal and equal
                  Affordability                              access to education at all levels’.

                                                             Even though there have been a few private
                                                             local  schools  teaching  the  Sri  Lankan
                                                             curriculum   and   private   international
                                                             schools mainly teaching the Cambridge and
                  S. A. Ariadurai                            Edexcel  curriculum  of  the  United  Kingdom,
                                                             higher  education  has  been  until  recently
                  The Open University of                     monopolized   by   several   conventional
                  Sri Lanka                                  state  universities;  and  the  only  distance

                                                             education institution, the Open University of
                                                             Sri Lanka (OUSL). However, in recent years,
                                                             the  Government  of  Sri  Lanka  has  allowed
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