Page 138 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 138

                  Good Practices from AAOU Members

                  5.  Internet-Based Testing (IBT)              learning  centers  will  be  placed  where
                      In the past, the venue, date and time of   remote learning alone is insufficient.
                      credit exams were fixed (the exam could
                      only be taken at a fixed study center on a   7.  Cooperation with other universities
                      fixed date and time), which reduced the   Utilizing  the  merits  of  our  remote
                      degree of freedom in choosing subjects    education  system,  we  will  collaborate
                      and restricted the admission of overseas   with regular universities. By collaborating
                      residents.  The  promising  solution  is  to   with  universities  that  do  not  have  a
                      conduct  exams  using  IBT.  The  OUJ  will   correspondence course, we will expand
                      establish effective measures to deal with   the use of our classes at other universities.
                      the  following  three  points:  (1)  identity   We will also actively consider adopting a
                      verification,  (2)  misconduct  monitoring   transfer  system  (a  method  of  acquiring
                      during  the  exam,  and  (3)  preparing   a  regular  university’s  bachelor’s  degree
                      students  who  are  unfamiliar  with  the   by studying cheaply at OUJ for the first
                      Internet,  with  the  aim  of  conducting   two  years  then  studying  at  the  regular
                      credit exams using IBT by 2022.           university  for  the  second  two  years,
                                                                similar to the transfer system at American
                  6.  Conversion of the Study Centers’ function  community colleges).
                      The  study  centers’  function  will  also
                      change due to changes in the educational   8.  Enhancement of research functions
                      system,  such  as  the  conversion  of    Until  now,  OUJ  has  not  progressed
                      face-to-face  lessons  to  online  and  the   towards becoming a research university
                      introduction of IBT exams, as discussed so   due  to  insufficient  development  of  the
                      far. In the past, the focus of the centers’   research environment. In order to solve
                      role was the conduct of credit exams and   this,  a  standing  council  or  committee
                      the  provision  of  face-to-face  lessons,   will  be  established  to  consider  matters
                      but  the  focus  will  shift  to  functioning   including  (1)  conditions  for  improving
                      as  the  core  (hub)  of  lifelong  learning   the  research  ability  of  young  faculty
                      activities  within  the  region.  In  order  to   members,  (2)  measures  to  enhance
                      supplement  the  ties  between  students   research  guidance  in  the  doctoral
                      that  are  becoming  weaker  due  to  the   programs  and  steadily  confer  degrees,
                      progress of e-learning, the function as a   and  (3)  the  formation  of  an  advanced
                      physical location for students to gather   knowledge   platform   for   doctoral
                      will become more and more important.      students and graduates to participate in
                      We will improve this function and further   undergraduate  guidance,  and  detailed
                      increase the importance of the learning   studies will be conducted to pave the way
                      center as a location. At the same time,   towards becoming a research university.
                      education on digital skills at the learning
                      centers will be enhanced. Like first-year
                      education  at  a  regular  university,  the

                  The Open University of Japan (OUJ)
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