Page 135 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  115

               Figure 2                                   To  maintain  the  relative  advantage  of
               An  example  of  the  metadata  description   studying  at  OUJ  under  such  circumstances,
               embedded in an OUJ-AOBA digital badge      it is necessary to restructure the curriculum,
                                                          improve lessons, and reform the organization
                                                          with  the  aim  to  further  improving  the
                                                          efficiency  and  quality  of  the  education.
                                                          Reforms are also indispensable for responding
                                                          to the new normal, which is the new societal
                                                          conditions  that  are  expected  after  the
                                                          COVID-19 pandemic ends. The expected and
                                                          anticipated near-future image of OUJ can be
                                                          summarized as follows.

                                                          1.  Promotion of recurrent education
                                                             Enhancing  the  quality  and  quantity  of
                                                             OUJ  practical  recurrent  education  in
                                                             accordance with the national government
                                                             and  especially  the  MEXT’s  “Adult  Re-
                                                             learning  and  Career  Advancement”
                                                             policy.  For  this,  OUJ  will  increase  the
                                                             number  of  vocational  qualification-
                                                             related  courses  by  actively  utilizing
                                                             various courses such as television, radio,
               Prospects                                     and online. In particular, courses related
               The  state  of  Japanese  university  education   to data science, AI, nursing, and teaching
               has  also  been  greatly  influenced  by  the   will be important points. This will strongly
               COVID-19 pandemic. Remote learning similar    attract  students  in  their  teens  and  20s
               to  OUJ  is  being  conducted  on  a  daily  basis   to  40s,  whose  student  numbers  are
               even at general universities. As a result, the   increasing (see Figure 3).
               boundary between remote higher education
               institutions  such  as  OUJ  and  general
               universities  is  also  becoming  extremely
               vague. Even general universities, which have
               traditionally  conducted  only  face-to-face
               lessons,  have  begun  to  incorporate  online
               lectures into their classes and conduct entire
               courses online.

                                                                      The Open University of Japan (OUJ)
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