Page 147 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
P. 147

Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  127

               Table 1
               Description of Notional Learning Hours (NLH) at OUSL

                          Type of activity        OUSL defined /   Number        Comments
                                                  scheduled unit   of NLH
                Studying printed lesson material which  One session  5 hours
                includes reading and understanding
                the session, completing the activities
                in the sessions, preparations for day
                schools and all other learning activities
                related to the printed session
                For practical work, including laboratory  1 hour  1.5 hours  For each 1 hour of
                / field work/ clinical work / micro-                       laboratory/ field/ clinical
                teaching / teaching practicum                              studies scheduled by
                                                                           OUSL, half an hour of
                                                                           independent studies is
                                                                           recommended.  Notional
                                                                           learning hours include
                                                                           time allocated for
                                                                           conducting practical work,
                                                                           preparation, writing any
                                                                           reports and the time
                                                                           allotted for assessments
                Day school                       1 hour          1 hour
                Assessment/assignment            1 hour          1 hour
                On-line support                  1 hour          1 hour
                Literature search                1 hour          1 hour
                Writing dissertation             1 hour          1 hour

               Continuous Assessment (CA) and acquiring a   that are taking place around the world. The
               minimum mark for the CA to obtain eligibility   existing plan covers the years 2021 to 2025.
               to sit the Final Assessment is another novel   Based on the SMP, action plans are identified
               concept introduced by the young university,   for every year. The Council of the university
               which again has now become a norm in the   monitors  the  Action  Plan  of  the  year  on  a
               Sri Lankan university system.              quarterly basis and ensures that the plans are
                                                          implanted accordingly.
               Every  five  years,  the  university  develops  a   With the introduction of the new Corporate
               Corporate Plan and a Strategic Management   and  Strategic  Management  plans  in  2021,
               Plan  (SMP)  envisaging  the  strategies  that   the university revised its vision and mission
               are planned to be adopted by the university   statements which were in existence for the
               and the action plans to achieve them based   last  ten  years  or  so.  Accordingly,  the  new
               on  national  plans  and  other  developments   vision  statement  of  the  OUSL  reads  as  to

                                                                   The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)
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