Page 151 - Open and Distance Education In Asia : Good Practice From AAOU Members
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Asian Association of Open Universities (AAOU)  131

                                                          to  develop  and  offer  study  programs.  In
                                                          the  period  between  1982  and  1984,  the
                                                          University launched its first-degree program
                                                          in  the  form  of  the  Bachelor  of  Laws  –  LLB.
                                                          Later, a degree program in Natural Sciences
                                                          commenced  in  1983.  These  programs  are
                                                          still  in  existence,  of  course  with  necessary
                                                          revisions made along the way.

               of  the  expenditure),  the  fee  levied  by  the   The  Certificate  in  Technology  programs,
               university is substantially low, thus making it   which  were  inherited  from  the  earlier
               an affordable higher educational institute for   institutes,  were  upgraded  to  Diploma  in
               the  entire  population  of  Sri  Lanka.  Further,   Technology in 1985 and later to Bachelor of
               to cater the financial needs of the students   Technology (Engineering) in new disciplines
               who  are  from  economically  disadvantaged   such  as  Energy  Engineering,  Transport
               backgrounds,  the  university  offers  many   Engineering,  Water  Resources  Engineering
               need-based scholarships and bursaries. These   and  Computer  Engineering.  These  were
               bursaries are in addition to number of merit   the  first  professional  degree  programs  in
               scholarships offered without considering the   Engineering offered by an Open and Distance
               economic background of the students.       Learning  institute  anywhere  in  the  world.
                                                          Later in 1989, on the insistence of the UGC,
               The Academic Programs                      the  University  was  forced  to  change  the
               When  the  University  commenced  its      specializations  in  the  engineering  to  the
               operations,  two  Boards  of  Studies,  one   more conventional fields as offered by other
               in  Humanities  and  Social  Sciences  (HSS)   conventional  universities.  The  University
               and  the  other  in  Management,  Science   currently  has  six  fully  fledged  faculties  and
               and  Technology  (MST)  were  established   30 academic departments. These six faculties

                                                                   The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL)
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